Thursday, October 30, 2008


It has been a while since I've blogged... I have had A LOT going on with work and church and stuff. This weekend was Trunk-or-Treat a church. The 20-somethings (our Sunday School class...we don't have a name yet) went above and beyond: we didn't decorate a trunk...we decorated a whole TRAILER!
Our theme was "Made in the 80s" because we all were...funny huh?

Side note: I mentioned to my mom that we talked about putting our pictures on a poster and writing "made in..." Mine would say "Made in 1986" She said, "Actually, you were made in 1985" GROOOOOOOSSS. While, I know it take 9 months to make a baby, I find it quite disturbing to think about when exactly I was made.

Anyways, so we decorated the trailer really cute! I worked FOREVER on the Pacman wall. I think it turned out pretty amazing.

We were so proud of ourselves! In the end, we were crowned "Adult's Choice!" woo hoo! We are supposed to be in the newspaper sometime this week! I freakin LOVE the 20-Somethings. They are a BLAST. They make being in Slidell so much more enjoyable!

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